Bank Relationships

Bank Relationships and Accounts Management

A good working relationship with your Bank can make running your business or practising your profession a less arduous task. In recent times particularly there are requirements which may be more stringent than we’ve previously been used to.

Whether it be for review of existing arrangements, seeking additional facilities or in cases where there is conflict with your Bank we believe our experience and expertise will help you achieve your financial objective.
We will independently advise you no matter which of these three scenarios you find yourself in.

We provide advice to our clients to assist them review their financial and Bank dealings under the headings of suitability, value (charges and fee analysis) and service. This enables us to investigate the market and where appropriate recommend alternatives to existing providers.

  • Preparation and submission to financial institutions of reviews of existing borrowing and future needs.
  • Ensuring all facilities are ‘fit for purpose’.
  • Address conflict/pressure situations and propose solutions.
  • Evaluate financial/banking costs to ensure the client is getting optimum value.

Arrange a Meeting

Call Michael Higgins directly on 086-2428014 to arrange a meeting to discuss how MH Consultants can assist your business. There is no fee for the initial consultation.